You may have noticed some temp agencies offer slightly higher pay by not putting you on their payroll. The extra dollars may sound tempting, but they hide some serious costs that are easy to overlook — time, stress, & risk. Today, we want to break down how tax season works for dental temps, and why […]
Why Dental Hygienists are Burnt Out And How You Can Take Control of Your Career Again
Why Are Dental Hygienists Burnt Out? If you’re a dental hygienist, there’s a good chance you’re burnt out. Every day is a chore, your job feels unfulfilling, and horror fills your eyes as you down your morning cup of coffee and the clock inches towards clock-in time. It’s a common problem: according to a recent […]
Why Use A Staffing Agency
What is a staffing agency? A staffing agency is a company that matches specific candidates to open employment opportunities. They recruit employees based on the detailed specifications provided by the client, and conduct thorough searches for jobs that match the needs of the candidate. The agency acts as the go-between when negotiating wage, schedule, benefits, […]
What is the difference between an employee and an independent contractor?
And how to make sure you are classifying staff correctly. Staffing certainly is a hot topic right now. Across all industries, there seems to be a common thread, there is a lack of people that are willing and ready to work. How do I find more staff?Why is there a staffing crisis?What is causing the […]