Securing a position in a dental practice—whether you’re a dental hygienist, dental assistant, or dental receptionist—can be an exciting yet nerve-wracking process. After all, you’re poised to become a critical part of a team that maintains healthy smiles and ensures patient comfort. But how do you make sure that your enthusiasm, skills, and genuine interest […]
Why You NEED to NOT Handle Your Taxes as a Dental Temp
You may have noticed some temp agencies offer slightly higher pay by not putting you on their payroll. The extra dollars may sound tempting, but they hide some serious costs that are easy to overlook — time, stress, & risk. Today, we want to break down how tax season works for dental temps, and why […]
Ultimate Guide to Dental Hygienists (Salary, Description, Requirements)
Are you interested in rewarding jobs with fantastic pay and plenty of opportunities to connect with real people and improve their lives? Dental hygienists are the behind-the-scenes superheroes that keep the dental industry afloat. Often responsible for discovering dental issues and ensuring patients have clean and healthy teeth, dental hygienists are one of the most […]
WORKFORCE is Ready to Help Offices Tackle Their Summer Staffing Woes
As our home office in Burnaby begins to get brushed with +70-degree days, it’s about time to talk about summer. Over the past year, WORKFORCE has grown significantly. Our talent pool is larger than ever (with blockbuster growth week-over-week), and thousands of offices across the United States and Canada now rely on us for temporary […]
How Canada is Dealing With A Massive Shortage of Dental Assistants
Last month, Lynn Tomkins — president of the Canadian Dental Association (CDA) — called the dental assistant shortage “the number one issue for dentists across the country.” She also added that Canada is currently experiencing a shortage of around 5,000 dental assistants, a number she expects to grow year-over-year for the next decade. This statement […]
Dental Questions Answered Part 3: Negotiating a Better Salary
Figuring out what salary you deserve is hard enough; trying to communicate your salary needs at the negotiating table can feel near-impossible. We get it. It’s awkward and complicated to negotiate your salary sometimes. But you should. Before we start getting into the tips and tricks (or the “how-to’s”) let’s cut to the chase: Dental […]
Top Dental Worker Questions Answered Part 2: Getting Compensated Fairly, Independent Hygiene Work, And Commission-based Hygiene
Click here to see part 1 of the series. Welcome to Part 2 of our hygienist FAQ series. Over the past year, we’ve sat down with thousands of dental hygienists, dental assistants, and dental office staff. We collected your most frequently asked questions. To answer them, we talked with dental offices, dental associations, and former […]
Top Dental Worker Questions Answered Part 1: Asking for New Instruments, Avoiding Overbilling, and Dodging Burnout
At WORKFORCE, we’re massive advocates for dental hygienists and dental assistants. We spend most of our days helping them find high-quality practices to work in, handling some of their tax complexity, and ensuring they have amazing, wonderful long-term careers. But we also have important discussions surrounding needs, wants, and issues. While there are many pain […]
The Honest Pros and Cons of Temping as a Dental Hygienist or Dental Assistant
Millions of people across the United States and Canada work as temp employees every week. But why? Why would a dental hygienist or assistant choose to temp vs. full-time employment? Here’s a secret: temping as a dental hygienist or dental assistant is jam-packed with unique benefits. Not only can you potentially earn more, but you […]
Why Dental Hygienists are Burnt Out And How You Can Take Control of Your Career Again
Why Are Dental Hygienists Burnt Out? If you’re a dental hygienist, there’s a good chance you’re burnt out. Every day is a chore, your job feels unfulfilling, and horror fills your eyes as you down your morning cup of coffee and the clock inches towards clock-in time. It’s a common problem: according to a recent […]