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General questions:
Get answers to our most-asked general questions.
We hire temps and connect them with offices to cover shifts or for proactive staffing. You can find jobs in our app or hire work via the client portal. We are also available to help you secure shifts or find temps if you're not able to see any in the app/portal.
Our permanent placement service provides full-time dental hygienists, dental assistants, dental receptionists, and dental associates to offices. You can do this via the client portal or get in touch with us to source you a specific type of candidate.
Fill out the report form in the contact section.
Some areas have fewer dental pros looking for work than others. Generally, these are smaller cities. If you don't see anyone on the app and need a position filled, get in touch with us. We can help manually fill it.
Our temp services are available in B.C., Ontario, Washington, Colorado, Texas, California, and Alberta.
Our perm services are available for all cities, states, and provinces in the United States and Canada.
Taxes, insurance, & compliance questions:
Information on how we handle taxes, compliance, insurance, and other compliance issues.
We handle all tax complexities. All candidates will get one simple end-of-year tax form that includes all hours worked (no matter how many different offices you worked with).
We provide liability insurance and workers' comp insurance.
We follow all laws at a local, regional, and national level. Our services are built with respect to all markets we operate within. We also handle all HR tasks — which keeps you compliant for taxes and hiring codes.
We are fully compliant in all states we operate in. See "what markets are you in" in the FAQ section to learn more.
No. Virtually none are. Most temp services DO NOT hire all of the temps they work with. This means that you are responsible for onboarding them and putting them on payroll. We also have stakeholders to keep us complaint with local laws and regulations.
Pricing & pay questions:
Everything you need to know about WORKFORCE's pricing and pay.
This depends on the market. We are competitively priced in all markets we are in, and we are lower than our competitors when accounting for risk and HR.
This varies by market. Contact us to learn more.
Our pay varies by market, as COL differences impact local pay. When you sign up, you'll be able to see pay rates in your area. We regularly adjust our rates with inflation and living cost increases.
We pay out in 48 hours in all states in the U.S. and within 1 week in Canada (these are due to differences in how payments are processed in both countries).
We pay directly to your bank account.
Terms & definitions:
What does that mean?
A "temp" is a temporary employee. At WORKFORCE, we hire our temps, so they are technically our employees. This means you don't have to handle any HR tasks or onboard them.
A "perm" refers to a "permanent" placement. It's when we connect a dental professional and a dental office for a full-time position.
They are on our payroll, and we handle insurance, taxes, and compliance for them.